›› 2016, Vol. 37 ›› Issue (1): 1-1.doi: 10.7657/XJPG20160119


Research on Oil Displacement Mechanism of Crosslinked Polymer Using CT Technique

ZHENG Bo1a2HOU Jirui1a2ZHANG Man1bSONG Zhaojie1a2WANG Nan1a2   

  1. (1.China University of Petroleuma. Research Institute of Enhanced Oil Recovery, b.School of Petroleum EngineeringBeijing 102249China; 2.Key Laboratory of Enhanced Oil RecoveryCNPCBeijing 102249China)
  • Online:2019-01-01 Published:1905-07-12

Abstract: In order to further clear the migration feature of crosslinked polymer flooding in the core,analyzing thoroughly its flooding mechanism,taking a natural core from an oilfield as research object,the crosslinked polymer flooding experiment was made using computed tomography(CT)technique,the tracking scanning of the process of crosslinked polymer flooding was used for rebuilding the pore structure of dry core and migration feature images of crosslinked polymer at different displacement time and different locations in the core. Experi?ment results show that CT technique can be used for study of the migration feature of crosslinked polymer,the porosity calculated by the CT is very accurate,the relative error is only 0.93% compared with the measured value; the displacement front of crosslinked polymer in a strong heterogeneity core is still close to the piston,and the injection pressure is increasing for the initial time and then holding steady,indicating that crosslinked polymer can be used for expanding swept volume effectively,and improving microscopic oil displacement efficiency

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